FOMMS 2018 was held July 15-20, 2018 at The Lake Lawn resort in Delavan, WI (85 miles northwest from Chicago O'Hare airport and 50 miles southwest from Milwaukee Mitchell airport).
FOMMS 2018 was the seventh triennial FOMMS conference showcasing new developments and applications of computational quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, molecular simulation and theory, and continuum and engineering process simulation. The theme of the 2018 conference was Innovations for Complex Systems. Past FOMMS conferences have attracted an interdisciplinary mix of participants that includes chemical engineers, chemists, physicists, and materials scientists from both academia (including students and postdocs), government laboratories, and industry. The FOMMS conference is a Gordon-style meeting, with invited talks (plus ample discussion time), as well as poster sessions for contributed papers. The FOMMS conference also features hands-on workshops on research and educational topics. A good amount of free time is built into the schedule for scientific discussions, and activities are planned that take advantage of the beautiful surroundings, including hiking, water sports, and local tours.
FOMMS 2018 was anchored by the Keynote Lecture on Sunday evening presented by Sharon Glotzer and the FOMMS Medal Lecture on Thursday afternoon presented by Peter Cummings, the FOMMS 2018 Medal Awardee. Previous medal winners are Michele Parrinello (2009), Keith Gubbins (2012), and Carol Hall (2015).
FOMMS 2018 was sponsored by CAChE ( and by the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), as well as the AIChE Nanoscale Science & Engineering Forum.
Sessions and Speakers for FOMMS 2018:
Keynote Lecture
- Sharon Glotzer, University of Michigan
Plenary Lectures
- Nandini Ananth
- Maytal Caspary-Toroker
- Tina Duren
- Amparo Galindo
- Pieter in 't Veld
- Arthi Jayaraman
- Alenka Luzar
- Heather Mayes
- Peter Monson
- Chris Mundy
- Jim Pfaendtner
- Peter Ravikovitch
- Huai Sun
- Igal Szleifer
- Lourdes Vega
- Angela Wilson
- Kenji Yasuoka
- Yaroslava Yingling
FOMMS Medal Lecture
- Peter Cummings, Vanderbilt University
- Harish Vashisth
- Michael Shirts, David Kofke, and Peter Cummings
FOMMS 2018 - Schedule at a Glance |
Session |
Morning |
Materials Design |
Water: Substrates and Ions |
Enhanced Sampling |
Coarse Graining and the Mesoscale |
Afternoon |
Registration |
Poster Session I |
Organized outings |
Poster Session II |
Workshops |
Evening |
Keynote Lecture |
Nano-composite and Bio-inspired Materials |
Theory of Complex Systems |
Quantum Chemistry for Challenging Systems |
Medal Lecture, Movie, and Banquet |