
FOMMS Housing Information: 

Snowbird Resort is in an isolated location and you are recommended to stay on site to take advantage of all the opportunities FOMMS has to offer. 

Please book before June 26 to take advantage of our group discount rate. A one night deposit is required at time of booking. 

Be aware that scammers will target conference attendees! Please see this useful information from the AIChE to avoid any problems: link.

Booking directions: 

Guests can book their lodging by calling Snowbird’s Central Reservations at 1-800-453-3000 or by emailing lodging@snowbird.com. Please let them know you are coming with the AIChE/FOMMS group.

You can also directly book using the reservation link:  Home - Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort. Please make sure to use the group code to get our discount when booking your stay. The code is 2D547G

International attendees can contact Elena Murillo at the Snowbird directly at emurillo@snowbird.com to book their rooms. Please identify yourself as a part of group # 2D547G for AIChE FOMMS and provide your arrival and departure dates. Elena will email you a credit card authorization form for payment.


During the online hotel booking process, you will be prompted to schedule ground transportation to and from Snowbird. The round-trip cost is $96 per adult for shared transportation.  Guests will need to have their flight information and numbers at the time of booking in order to book ground transportation. If this information is not available, you can call Snowbird Central Reservations 1-800-453-3000 (Option#2). You must call at least 3 days prior to your arrival date in order to secure ground transportation.

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