The FOMMS Medal

The FOMMS Medal honors "profound and lasting contributions by one or more individuals to the development of computational methods and their application to the field of molecular-based modeling and simulation."

2024 Recipient of the FOMMS Medal

Professor Sharon C. Glotzer

Sharon Glotzer is the John W. Cahn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering, the Stuart W. Churchill Collegiate Professor of Chemical Engineering, and the Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering (since 2017) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research on computational assembly science and engineering aims toward predictive materials design of colloidal and soft matter. Using computation, geometrical concepts, and statistical mechanics, her research group seeks to understand complex behavior emerging from simple rules and forces, and to use that knowledge to design new materials.  Glotzer’s group also develops and disseminates powerful open-source software including the particle simulation toolkit, HOOMD-blue, the signac framework for data and workflow management, and freud for data analysis and visualization.

Past Recipients of the FOMMS Medal

2022: Professor Doros Theodorou

Doros Theodorou is Professor of Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (NTUA). He has served as professor at the Universities of California, Berkeley (1986-1995) and Patras (1991-2002) and associated faculty at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, FORTH/ICE-HT in Patras and NCSR “Demokritos” in Athens. He has won numerous awards, including the John M. Prausnitz AIChE Institute Lecture Award and the Guggenheim Medal of the IChemE, and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. His research focuses on the development of new computational techniques for understanding and predicting properties of materials based on their chemical constitution, with emphasis on polymers, amphiphiles, and nanoporous materials.

2018: Professor Peter Cummings

Professor Cummings is the John R. Hall Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Associate Dean For Research for the School of Engineering at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Peter also directs the Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MuMS) group at Vanderbilt, an interdisciplinary research facility housing faculty from the School of Engineering. His research interests include statistical mechanics, molecular simulation, computational materials science, computational and theoretical nanoscience, and computational biology.

2015: Professor Carol Hall

Prof. Hall is the Camille Dreyfus Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University.  She has won numerous awards, served as the AIChE Institute Lecturer in 2007, and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.  She has been at the forefront of several important research areas related to computation and theory, including the modeling of phase separation in colloidal suspensions, modeling and equations of state for chain molecules, and coarse-grained simulations of protein aggregation.

2012: Professor Keith Gubbins
2009: Professor Michele Parrinello    

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