
The FOMMS 2024 Conference registration is now open.

Register Now

Registration is being handled by the AIChE. For questions about registration, please contact Justin Canna or visit the registration website here: LINK

Cancellations will be permitted on or before June 27. A $150 cancellation fee will be charged. After June 27, no refunds will be given.

Below are details regarding registration expenses, registration waivers for graduate students and postdocs, optional outings, and guest fees.

  • $995 Early registration on or before June 16, 2024
  • $1095 Standard registration starting June 17, 2024 [Deadline July 26, 2024]
  • $795 Graduate Students and Post-docs

The FOMMS 2024 conference fee includes the opening reception, continental breakfast every morning, refreshments during program breaks and poster sessions, evening hospitalities, and the conference banquet.

Registration Fee Waiver for Early Career Researchers

A proposal has been submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) to provide support for early career researchers (graduate students and postdocs). The awards provide a full registration waiver. Award recipients are required to present a poster at FOMMS, attend the full conference (Sunday to Thursday), and make accommodations at the conference hotel. 

Please check back here in mid-March for more information. 

Outing Options and Fees

Conference outings are being scheduled for Tuesday July 30. 

Please check back here in mid-March for more information. 

Other Optional Fees

Guests may attend the welcoming reception and the banquet for additional fees. Guests are also welcome to participate in any of the outings and the attendee must purchase a separate ticket for him/herself AND guest in advance.

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