FOMMS 2024 Conference Chairs

Jim Pfaendtner

Dr. Jim Pfaendtner
N.C. State

Jim Pfaendtner is the Louis Martin-Vega Dean of Engineering at North Carolina State University. He also serves on the Northwestern University Chemical and Biological Engineering External Advisory Board and is the senior editor for the Journal of Physical Chemistry. 
In 2022, he received the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum Impact Award.
Pfaendtner’s research has focused on using computer simulations to understand and control molecular scale driving forces for a wide range of applications spanning from biotechnology to advanced materials. His lab at UW helped develop new methods to expand the capabilities of molecular simulation and use advanced research computing resources to solve challenging problems in the area of computational molecular science.
Shikha Nangia

Shikha Nangia 

Shikha Nangia is the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program Director for Syracuse University. She has been awarded the ECS Dean’s Award for Excellence in Education, a Meredith Teaching Recognition Award, the College Technology Educator of the Year, and a Faculty Excellence Award.
Nangia's current research group focuses on studying blood-brain barrier using theoretical and computational techniques; the goal is to enable the transport of drug molecules across the blood-brain barrier, which has been the biggest impediment for finding a cure for brain related ailments such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
Nangia's latest publications involve the "development of effective stochastic potential method using random matrix theory for efficient conformational sampling of semiconductor nanoparticles at non-zero temperatures".
Pieter in t veld

Pieter in 't Veld 

Pieter in 't Veld is currently a Senior Principal Scientist at Badische Anilin- und Sodafabrik (BASF), the largest chemical producer in the world. Prior to BASF, Veld spent nearly 4 years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Sandia National Laboratories. 
Veld holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Chemical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin (1996 - 2000) and a masters degree from Delft University of technology.
Veld's robust skill set includes Materials Science, Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Surface Chemistry and more. Currently, the largest part of his research entails characterization of colloidal and polymeric systems. To this end, he develops Monte Carlo methods for condensed phase construction. This project includes simulation workflow management through EMC Setup for dealing with many parallel simulations from one central script. The resulting project can be found HERE.

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