

Deadline for submissions: June 24, 2024

Each FOMMS meeting has featured a 5-10 minute movie composed of contributed videos and edited for content. This year, we are seeking the best-of-the-best scientific visualizations to feature in the 2024 FOMMS movie. Prizes will be awarded to students and/or postdocs who submit the most enlightening and visually appealing video contributions for the movie (see detailed rules below).

The FOMMS movie is a time-honored tradition that has long been organized and managed by Peter Cummings and his research group. In 2022, Peter passed the torch to the “FOMMS Movie Committee,” presently headed by Chris Wilmer (if you would like to join the committee in future years, please write to us).

We are planning to present the ninth edition of the FOMMS movie at the end of the scientific part of the conference (after the FOMMS Medal Lecture). You are invited to submit material (animations or experiment) for possible inclusion in the opening video. The submission deadline is midnight, June 24, 2024.


  1. Submissions must be videos depicting some scientific phenomenon. Videos may be showing experimentally measured data, simulated data, or even conceptual illustrations of a scientific nature. Music, sounds, voiceovers, may be included but are not necessary. A small amount of supplemental text (e.g., for labels) is acceptable to include in the video but not large amounts (e.g., paragraphs).
  2. To accommodate as many contributions as possible, submitted videos must be 60 seconds or less. If your video is longer and you clearly indicate which 60 seconds you would like to show (e.g., between the 0:17 mark and the 1:17 mark), we can edit it for you.
  3. Faculty/industry members are welcome to contribute videos but are not eligible for prizes, which are reserved for students/postdocs.
  4. Videos from students/postdocs will be judged by the FOMMS Movie Committee on three criteria: (i) quality of science depicted, (ii) clarity/insightfulness of visualization, and (iii) aesthetic beauty.


Winners will receive certificates and cash accordingly:

  • 1st Prize: $150
  • 2nd Prize: $100
  • 3rd Prize: $50

Sponsorship opportunities are available for the prizes. Please contact the FOMMS Movie Committee for details.


  1. Please write to Chris Wilmer ( indicating a desire to submit a video with the exact words in the subject line: “FOMMS MOVIE SUBMISSION”. You will receive a link where you can upload the file.
  2. There is no minimum video resolution requirement, but we strongly recommend resolutions of 960x540 pixels or greater. File sizes should be constrained to less than 1 GB per submission.


Any further inquiries on the FOMMS movie should be directed to:


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